
This is the age of multitasking. We are totally in love with our cell phones, they also tell time, click pictures, sing songs and even play our favourite videos. Not too long ago, an OTG brought a smile of wonderment on our faces, and a music player, which also changed 6-8 CDs all on its own, was no less than pure magic!

At Symphony, we imagined an air cooler which also doubles up as a mosquito repellent and an air purifier. Not just for the wonderment and multi-purpose use, but also because it’s the pressing need of the hour to create a safety net to protect us and our families from the onslaught mosquito-borne diseases. Soaring temperatures, increasing air pollution as well as rampant diseases like malaria, dengue and chikungunya, which are caused by mosquito bites, need to be effectively addressed.

On one hand technology advancements ensure that traditional methods of smelly, fume-led mosquito repellents are replaced with advanced methods like ultra sonic rays to keep away mosquitoes from our homes. On the other hand, air purifiers and humidifiers keep mold, bacteria and viruses from growing as well as maintain the right humidity levels in our homes.

Thus, scientists and air-cooling technologists at Symphony are busy developing world’s first air cooler which combines mosquito repellent technology and works along with various other filters to block air pollution. The product will work even when the air cooler is not at work, thereby keeping us safe from mosquito bites round the clock.

An efficient, cost-effective and convenient solution

Multi-purpose devices are the need of the hour. A smartphone for example, works as a camera, radio, torchlight, watch and even computer creates multiple usage of technology through a single device. Not only does it add to user convenience but also frees up space, leading to fewer devices to carry as well as reduces the cost of electricity.

The air-cooler too has undergone an evolution to not only keep the house cool but also make the air purified and clean. So, get ready to enjoy an air-cooled home where you can breathe clean purified air and keep mosquitoes at bay. So be it having a peaceful night’s sleep, reading your favourite book or enjoying dinner with your family at home, the air-cooler of the future will keep you cool, pollution free and even free from mosquito bites all with one simple Symphony air-cooler right inside your home!