
Imagine watching your favorite sitcom in the comfort of your home. Sitting along with a bag of popcorn in hand and wearing an air-mask on your face. It wouldn’t be a delightful experience. However, this could be a sate of the future not too far from now.

As per research, each year 5.5 million people die prematurely due to indoor and outdoor air pollution. Additionally, more than half of them belong to India and China. Other countries like Brazil, Pakistan and Japan are also experiencing an increase in the mortality rate.

Clearly with such alarming numbers, city pollution is fast becoming a major cause of concern. Various other health issues are also attached like skin irritation, breathing problems, coughing and sneezing. People are increasingly battling air-pollutants from entering their living spaces.

Air coolers with i-PURE technology

There is definitely a need to address the issue. Symphony air-coolers with unique i-PURE technology provide an answer

i-PURE is an innovative step in the world of air cooling which helps to prevent various air-pollutants from entering indoors. It deploys a set of filters, which work together to deliver coolest air, in its purest form.

As the world’s first air cooling appliance to combine this technology, Symphony i-PURE air cooler come well equipped with a set of all five filters which include bacteria-filter, smell-filter, dust-filter, allergy-filter as well as PM 2.5 wash-filter functionalities. -The combined working of these filters helps the city dwellers to breathe in fresh and healthy air.

Adding to the various other benefits, i-PURE also takes away the need for buying an air purifier. This helps to save money (including its maintenance), and optimize space utilization at home. The aesthetic looks of the product ensure enough pride and happiness for the owners. Cherry on top of the cake is the trust and quality of Symphony – a world-leading brand in air-cooling!

So make sure you get for your home day, and stay right inside your home to enjoy the freedom!

Frequently Asked Questions – i-PURE Technology in Air Coolers

Q1: What is the i-PURE technology in Symphony air coolers?

A1: i-PURE technology in Symphony air coolers is an innovative solution that uses a set of five filters (bacteria-filter, smell-filter, dust-filter, allergy-filter, and PM 2.5 wash-filter) to prevent air pollutants from entering indoors, delivering fresh and healthy air.

Q2: What are the benefits of Symphony’s i-PURE technology?

A2: Symphony’s i-PURE technology not only provides cooler air but also acts as an air purification system, eliminating the need for a separate air purifier. It saves money, space, and ensures a healthier indoor environment.

Q3: How does Symphony’s i-PURE technology work?

A3: Symphony’s i-PURE technology employs a combination of filters to remove various air pollutants such as bacteria, odors, dust, allergens, and PM 2.5 particles, ensuring the air indoors is clean and fresh.

Q4: Is i-PURE technology suitable for addressing city pollution concerns?

A4: Yes, Symphony’s i-PURE technology is designed to address city pollution concerns by preventing air pollutants from entering indoors, thereby providing a healthier and more comfortable living environment.

Q5: What distinguishes Symphony air coolers with i-PURE technology from other cooling solutions?

A5: Symphony air coolers with i-PURE technology combine air cooling with advanced air purification, offering a comprehensive solution for indoor comfort and air quality. The incorporation of multiple filters sets them apart from conventional air cooling appliances.

Q6: Does i-PURE technology in Symphony air coolers require frequent maintenance?

A6: While regular maintenance is necessary for optimal performance, the i-PURE technology in Symphony air coolers is designed to efficiently filter and purify the air, reducing the need for extensive upkeep.

Q7: How does i-PURE technology contribute to a healthier indoor environment?

A7: By using multiple filters, i-PURE technology in Symphony air coolers effectively removes various pollutants, allergens, and particles from the air, creating a healthier indoor atmosphere and reducing the risk of respiratory issues.

Q8: What is the significance of i-PURE technology for individuals living in regions with high pollution levels?

A8: For individuals living in areas with high pollution levels, i-PURE technology in Symphony air coolers provides a means to enjoy cooler, cleaner, and healthier indoor air, mitigating the negative impact of outdoor pollution on their living spaces.

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