
Warehouses are the backbone of the manufacturing industry, where large quantities of raw material and finished goods are stored. They are the pulse of the logistics industry, through which majority of the routing of goods is managed. Warehouses by design have high ceilings and complex stacks of goods permitting limited circulation of air. Warehouses alternate between labor-intensive hours with workers moving large amounts of goods in or out, shelving items or taking stock and periods of low activity (gathering dust and musty air). Lack of adequate ventilation and cooling within the warehouse not only affects worker productivity, but also affects their physical and mental health.

The World Health Organization recommends having adequate ventilation in large spaces such as warehouses and other industrial premises preferably without recirculation of the same, stale air. The guidelines of the Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority make it essential to install ventilation amenities in a warehouse, with specific guidelines for number of air changes per minute, and minimum working temperature inside a warehouse. Symphony’s Large Space Venti-Cooling solution takes care of all the measures suggested by the W.H.O. and W.D.R.A, and is designed to provide a well-ventilated warehouse with an optimum amount of cooling at minimum costs.

Installing Symphony’s Large Space Venti-Cooling provides the following advantages:

  • Low Capital Cost: Compared to other cooling solutions, the capital cost of Large Space Venti-Cooling is about one-sixth. It consumes 90% less electricity than central air conditioning, reducing capital costs drastically.
  • Speedy Installation: Installation takes just a few hours, making sure there is little to no downtime, thereby not hampering the day-to-day operations of the warehouse.
  • Low maintenance: Each Large Space Venti-Cooling unit has a large tank capacity of 70 litres, which can be connected to an overhead tank. This ensures smooth operations without any manual intervention. Further, the average cost of maintaining each unit is significantly lower than any other system, as it involves fewer mechanical parts compared to other systems.
  • Low Operation Cost: The cost of cooling is just Re. 1 per square foot per month, which is significantly lower than any other systems. The installation cost can thus be recovered within 7 months.

Large Space Venti-Cooling also confers direct and indirect benefits beyond just economical ones:

The cooling units maintain positive pressure of air displacing dust and other particulate matter.

The unique combination of cooling and ventilation prevents recirculation of stale air, thereby reducing chances of infections.

It mildly moisturizes the air (as opposed to air conditioners that dehydrate the air, causing dryness of skin and irritation of the eye). Cool and moist air is ambient for warehouse employees, and also prevents damage to goods from excessive dryness.

The above factors contribute to making a warehouse energy and cost-efficient, thereby ensuring smooth operations. The ambient working temperature reduces stress of the employees and improves their physical and mental health. This increases their productivity and reflects in better work output.