
The Client

Established in 1997, the Centre for Research and Industrial Staff Performance (CRISP) is a training institute developed under the Indo–German Technical Cooperation agreement. The institute provides sophisticated laboratories and professional training to help students develop technical skills used demanded by industries around the world.

The Challenge

CRISP’s primary goal was to cut costs on cooling. The split air-conditioning system comprising of 30 1.5 ton AC units currently used in the classrooms was proving to be exorbitantly expensive. The client wanted to deploy a system that would cost less and provide a healthier environment for students and staff. The client was looking at cutting down expenses by Rs. 50,000 per month whilst designing a duct network suited to the existing building.


  • Replaced 30 AC units of 1.5 ton capacity with 3 air coolers.
  • Monthly power consumption of 7920 KW brought down to 1056 KW
  • Operating costs slashed from Rs. 63,000 to Rs. 8,000 resulting in savings of Rs. 55,000 per month
  • Minimum ducting work required to switch from AC to air cooling

The Solution

Having experienced Symphony’s cooling expertise and product quality in other installations, the client approached us to address the efficiency challenge. Symphony’s engineers and design team created a customized duct system with exhaust fans on opposite ends to meet the requirement for cost-effective cooling with minimum ducting work. 30 1.5 ton ACs were replaced with 3 Symphony cooler – two PAC 12TC units and one PAC 06TC unit. These three coolers were sufficient for all classrooms, training rooms and practical rooms, covering a total area of 3,600 sq. ft. within the building.

The Results

By replacing 30 ACs with 3 air cooling units, CRISP was able to bring down the operating cost from Rs.63,000 to Rs.8,000 a month. This meant a massive saving of Rs. 55,000 per month. Monthly power consumption was slashed from 7920 KW to less than 1056 KW. The client is delighted as the temperature within the building is well regulated with the central air cooling system in use for eight hours every day.